finam the linguist

When he asks what he should do, suggest that he might get his own back and Morte will suggest that he pretend to be bored. Go inside the Festhall and you’ll find Jolmi just xcritical reviews inside the entrance. After sabotaging it, return to Bedai-Lihn for 8000XP. She asks you to kill the factol, Sandoz, who is the man actually responsible for the deaths of the workers since he accepted the contract in the first place. Find Kel’lera who is standing at the back of the machine and ask her about its weak spots.

Before fighting, make sure that you exhaust the Wizard Construct’s conversation tree – express curiosity rather choosing to fight immediately. Ask Splinter to take you to the private sensorium. Before continuing, if you are not xcritically a Sensate, return to Splinter. Ask him xcritical official site about buying something from the Sensate vaults and he will tell you that the service is only available to members.

The Temple of Elemental Evil

Once you have reunited the two, speak to her to learn that she has known at least two incarnations of yours. One was a Sensate (this will teach you that you are a legitimate member of the Sensate faction) and the other was mad. The latter incarnation tried to attack Aelwyn and she used her abilities as an Aasimar to make him jump out of a tower to his death. Eli Havelock at 15 is the thief-tutor of the Civic Festhall. With a Wisdom of at least 13 you can convince him to return to training thieves for 12,000 XP. Can be returned to Finam in exchange for his father’s notes on the Uyo language (which helps unlock the Dodecahedron) and 25,000 XP.

finam the linguist

How to Find Ravel’s Maze in Planescape Torment

  1. You may want to make a hard save here because you may not want to make the next bit part of your permanent game state.
  2. Return to the Civic Festhall and reunite Metwyn’s head and body for 8000XP.
  3. Keldor will give you your first task which is to forge a weapon.
  4. With a Wisdom of at least 13 you can convince him to return to training thieves for 12,000 XP.
  5. Leave the Public Sensorium, go outside and tell Salabesh that Lady Thorncombe is addicted to sensory stones.
  6. Nordom joins at level 6, which is quite underlevelled by now.

You can’t help the performer, though, but Salabash will assure you that the curse is only temporary. He has angered the tailor and is no longer allowed in the shop. However, he has commissioned a costume for a masquerade and asks you to go into the shop and fetch it for him. Both of these buildings are described on separate pages, as is the underground dungeon of Undersigil.

Part 2: The City of Doors

Now take it to Xander who will finally give you the Dream Key, xcriticalg you 16,000XP. He’ll try to speak cant but won’t do it very well. Annah will correct him on his speech and things will deteriorate. Talk to it to learn that you’ve found Mertwyn, or his head at least. As you pass the entrance to the Brothel, you’ll see Jolmi’s Messenger.

It’s time to get to the bottom of the petty crime wave in the Brothel. There’s only one man who came into the Brothel and who didn’t leave and he’s xcritically an Armoire. Go to Grace’s chamber and question Luis about what Nenny said. Despite his outrage, you will spot the Crimson Veil.

Instead, return to Lothar and hand him either Mantuok’s skull or Soego’s for 15,000XP. Ask him why you are immortal to learn of Ravel Puzzlewell. While you’re down here, there are a number of skulls that you can talk to if you interact with the shelves. The one next to where Morte was being held is called Grimscalp. He remembers you and can tell you about the Anarchist faction. The shelf at the bottom right houses Ocean-Before-The-Storm, a former sensate.